Doc Brown frantically tells Byron how important it is that he goes to a strip club
Opening Theme/Intro
How She Moves
Grilled Sleaze
Y2K With the Champ
Mickey Mantle's Magic Moment
More Than He Bargained For
Tactless Tango
It's 'Cause I'm Black
Sean and Chris Shamelessly and Mockingly Make Fun of Jerry's Advanced Years
Boiled Green Tomatoes
Schmuck In Luck
Burns Brothers' Bogus Bagel Blunder
Outsourcing Fans
Jesus Crust
Ideas For a Better World?
Music: "Circuitry in the Air"--Area 47
"Koy in a Socket"--Area 47
"Koy on a Hibachi"--Area 47
Byron engages in sudden non-sequitur that is utterly devoid of subtlety...up in Sean's face
Intro and Theme
The Patron Saint of Surly
Jerry's Moonlight "Snota"
Feeling the Breeze
Seinfeld Was Right
Man Practice
Paranoid Polaroid
Credits/Closing theme
Music: "Going to the Market"--Area 47
"Cirque du Shame"--Area 47
Track listing for Episode 1:
Gotta Check in
Theme and intro
The Tell-tale Moth
Monkey Butlers
Bigfoot and Wildboy
A Gerbil's Tale
A Reptile Dysfunction
Jerry's Jockey Journey
Kitty Carmageddon